Negation in Language and Beyond (NegLaB).
2024 – .
Funded by DFG (SFB 1629).
Negation is a fundamental and unique property of human language
since it allows us to reason about what is not the case. It does
not only express a clearly defined grammatical function, it also
interacts with various aspects of grammar and cognition. The acquisition
and processing of negation encompass linguistic as well as non-linguistic
cognitive procedures. Hence, negation constitutes an ideal testing
ground to differentiate cognitive mechanisms that are grammatical
in nature from those that are shared with other cognitive domains,
such as memory, attention, decision making and cognitive control.
We intend to explore how the expression of negation is cross-linguistically
associated with grammatical and non-linguistic cognitive operations
and also whether the operations observed in negative utterances
are part of negation itself or, rather, arises as an effect of
the grammatical system and cognitive functions. While the semantics
of negation is generally analyzed as a unique propositional operator,
its morphosyntactic expression is much more varied and often involves
more than one morphological exponent. Hence, there is a tension
between a rich morphosyntax and a more straightforward semantics.
The semantics of negation leads one to expect negation to be expressed
by a single morpheme positioned at the beginning of the clause
(Neg-Only Hypothesis). The rich and variable morphosyntax leads
us to expect that negation requires a number of conditions in
the semantics (Neg-Plus Hypothesis). We aim to solve this puzzle
covering several empirical domains. More grammatical effects than
semantics would lead us to expect are visible in the interaction
between negative utterances and the cognitive processing and semantic
evaluation of alternative propositions. This is reflected in acquisition,
since children produce negative utterances relatively early, but
all the aspects of negation take a rather long time to be acquired.
Downstream effects of this can be seen in adult processing as
the comprehension of negative sentences is costlier than for positive
sentences. This is supposedly due to the inhibition of the corresponding
positive sentence that is necessary for the interpretation of
negative statements. Our exploration into the way negation and
other grammatical categories or non-linguistic cognitive functions
interact will lead us to identify how negation functions in natural
language and how it favors or hinders other (extra-)grammatical
components or processes. Why do some of them need to occur together
with negation (e.g., negative polarity items) and why are others
incompatible with it (as some types of imperatives)? Our general
aim is to develop a theoretical perspective on the way negation
manifests itself in natural language, how it is acquired and processed,
and why it varies so much across languages. Thereby, we will gain
a better understanding of the connections between linguistic competence
and general cognition.
name = {Negation in Language and Beyond (NegLaB)},
abstract = {Negation is a fundamental and unique property of human language
since it allows us to reason about what is not the case. It does
not only express a clearly defined grammatical function, it also
interacts with various aspects of grammar and cognition. The acquisition
and processing of negation encompass linguistic as well as non-linguistic
cognitive procedures. Hence, negation constitutes an ideal testing
ground to differentiate cognitive mechanisms that are grammatical
in nature from those that are shared with other cognitive domains,
such as memory, attention, decision making and cognitive control.
We intend to explore how the expression of negation is cross-linguistically
associated with grammatical and non-linguistic cognitive operations
and also whether the operations observed in negative utterances
are part of negation itself or, rather, arises as an effect of
the grammatical system and cognitive functions. While the semantics
of negation is generally analyzed as a unique propositional operator,
its morphosyntactic expression is much more varied and often involves
more than one morphological exponent. Hence, there is a tension
between a rich morphosyntax and a more straightforward semantics.
The semantics of negation leads one to expect negation to be expressed
by a single morpheme positioned at the beginning of the clause
(Neg-Only Hypothesis). The rich and variable morphosyntax leads
us to expect that negation requires a number of conditions in
the semantics (Neg-Plus Hypothesis). We aim to solve this puzzle
covering several empirical domains. More grammatical effects than
semantics would lead us to expect are visible in the interaction
between negative utterances and the cognitive processing and semantic
evaluation of alternative propositions. This is reflected in acquisition,
since children produce negative utterances relatively early, but
all the aspects of negation take a rather long time to be acquired.
Downstream effects of this can be seen in adult processing as
the comprehension of negative sentences is costlier than for positive
sentences. This is supposedly due to the inhibition of the corresponding
positive sentence that is necessary for the interpretation of
negative statements. Our exploration into the way negation and
other grammatical categories or non-linguistic cognitive functions
interact will lead us to identify how negation functions in natural
language and how it favors or hinders other (extra-)grammatical
components or processes. Why do some of them need to occur together
with negation (e.g., negative polarity items) and why are others
incompatible with it (as some types of imperatives)? Our general
aim is to develop a theoretical perspective on the way negation
manifests itself in natural language, how it is acquired and processed,
and why it varies so much across languages. Thereby, we will gain
a better understanding of the connections between linguistic competence
and general cognition.},
year = {2024},
funded_by = {DFG (SFB 1629)},
funded_by_url = {},
url = {},
logo = {/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/logo-NegLaB.jpg}
New Data Spaces for the Social Sciences.
2023 – .
Funded by DFG (SPP 2431).
In order to more precisely research the major societal challenges
of the coming decades, including digitization, climate change,
and war- and pandemic-related societal changes, and to be able
to identify the need for political action on this basis, the social
sciences need innovative research data and methods.
name = {New Data Spaces for the Social Sciences},
abstract = {In order to more precisely research the major societal challenges
of the coming decades, including digitization, climate change,
and war- and pandemic-related societal changes, and to be able
to identify the need for political action on this basis, the social
sciences need innovative research data and methods.},
year = {2023},
funded_by = {DFG (SPP 2431)},
funded_by_url = {},
url = {},
logo = {/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/logo-NewDataSpaces-long.png}
Virtual Reality Sustained Multimodal Distributional Semantics for Gestures in Dialogue (GeMDiS).
2021 – .
Funded by DFG (SPP 2392).
Both corpus-based linguistics and contemporary computational linguistics
rely on the use of often large, linguistic resources. The expansion
of the linguistic subject area to include visual means of communication
such as gesticulation has not yet been backed up with corresponding
corpora. This means that “multimodal linguistics” and dialogue
theory cannot participate in established distributional methods
of corpus linguistics and computational semantics. The main reason
for this is the difficulty of collecting multimodal data in an
appropriate way and at an appropriate scale. Using the latest
VR-based recording methods, the GeMDiS project aims to close this
data gap and to investigate visual communication by means of machine-based
methods and innovative use of neuronal and active learning for
small data using the systematic reference dimensions of associativity
and contiguity of the features of visual and non-visual communicative
name = {Virtual Reality Sustained Multimodal Distributional Semantics for Gestures in Dialogue (GeMDiS)},
abstract = {Both corpus-based linguistics and contemporary computational linguistics
rely on the use of often large, linguistic resources. The expansion
of the linguistic subject area to include visual means of communication
such as gesticulation has not yet been backed up with corresponding
corpora. This means that “multimodal linguistics” and dialogue
theory cannot participate in established distributional methods
of corpus linguistics and computational semantics. The main reason
for this is the difficulty of collecting multimodal data in an
appropriate way and at an appropriate scale. Using the latest
VR-based recording methods, the GeMDiS project aims to close this
data gap and to investigate visual communication by means of machine-based
methods and innovative use of neuronal and active learning for
small data using the systematic reference dimensions of associativity
and contiguity of the features of visual and non-visual communicative
year = {2021},
funded_by = {DFG (SPP 2392)},
funded_by_url = {},
url = {},
logo = {/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/ViComGeMDis.png}
LOEWE-Schwerpunkt "Minderheitenstudien: Sprache und Identität".
2020 – .
Funded by LOEWE.
Der LOEWE-Schwerpunkt "Minderheiten: Sprache und Identität" erarbeitet
eine interdisziplinäre Untersuchung der Problematik von Identitätsbildung
bei Minderheiten. Dazu untersuchen wir drei Arten von Relationen:
die Relation zwischen Minderheiten "im eigenen Land" und Minderheiten
"im Ausland"; die Relation zwischen Selbstwahrnehmung und Fremdwahrnehmung
von Minderheiten (sowohl "im eigenen Land" als auch im "Ausland");
und die wechselseitige Relation der identitätsbedingenden Vorgaben
Sprache, Religion, Kultur und Ethnos, in Selbstsicht und Fremdsicht
"im eigenen Land" und "im Ausland".
name = {LOEWE-Schwerpunkt "Minderheitenstudien: Sprache und Identität"},
abstract = {Der LOEWE-Schwerpunkt "Minderheiten: Sprache und Identität" erarbeitet
eine interdisziplinäre Untersuchung der Problematik von Identitätsbildung
bei Minderheiten. Dazu untersuchen wir drei Arten von Relationen:
die Relation zwischen Minderheiten "im eigenen Land" und Minderheiten
"im Ausland"; die Relation zwischen Selbstwahrnehmung und Fremdwahrnehmung
von Minderheiten (sowohl "im eigenen Land" als auch im "Ausland");
und die wechselseitige Relation der identitätsbedingenden Vorgaben
Sprache, Religion, Kultur und Ethnos, in Selbstsicht und Fremdsicht
"im eigenen Land" und "im Ausland".},
year = {2020},
funded_by = {LOEWE},
funded_by_url = {},
url = {},
logo = {/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/logo-loewe-minderheitenstudien-blau.png}
Berufspraktische Bildungsprozesse im Recht- und Lehramtsreferendariat sowie der Medizin unter Nutzung digitaler Medien (BRIDGE).
2020 – 2023.
Funded by BMBF (01JD1906B).
Die Nutzung von Onlinemedien steigt in allen Bildungsbereichen
zunehmend an. Auch für den Berufseinstieg nutzen Lernende immer
häufiger online verfügbare Medien. Ob sich das Nutzungsverhalten
je nach Beruf unterscheidet und ob es berufsspezifische Unterschiede
gibt, ist bislang nicht erforscht. Hier setzt das Forschungsprojekt
der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz und der Johann Wolfgang
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt an. Die Wissenschaftlerinnen und
Wissenschaftler untersuchen, wie Berufseinsteigende der Medizin
im Praktischen Jahr, Lehramts- sowie Rechtsreferendarinnen und
-referendare online verfügbare Medien nutzen. Hierbei vergleicht
das interdisziplinäre Team die generelle mit der berufsspezifischen
Nutzung von Onlinemedien anhand einer repräsentativen Stichprobe
im Längsschnitt. Mithilfe von innovativen Ansätzen aus der Computerlinguistik
und aus dem Bereich der Learning Analytics werden Online-Trainings
entwickelt und die Lernprozesse der Probanden untersucht. Um die
Daten multiperspektivisch zu interpretieren, wird eng mit der
Praxis zusammengearbeitet. Das Team der Universität Mainz koordiniert
das Verbundprojekt und bringt die wirtschaftspädagogische und
rechtswissenschaftliche Perspektive sowie Expertise zur Kompetenzentwicklung
ein. Die repräsentative und methodenintegrative Studie liefert
wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zum Einfluss und zur digitalen
Förderbarkeit der berufsbezogenen Mediennutzung in der Berufspraxis.
Außerdem sind Ergebnisse zu erwarten, die zur Gestaltung der Verbindung
von formalen und non-formalen Lerngelegenheiten genutzt werden
können. Praxispartner, wie zum Beispiel Ausbildnerinnen und Ausbildner,
können die entwickelten adaptiven Trainingskonzepte praktisch
anwenden und nutzen.
name = {Berufspraktische Bildungsprozesse im Recht- und Lehramtsreferendariat sowie der Medizin unter Nutzung digitaler Medien (BRIDGE)},
abstract = {Die Nutzung von Onlinemedien steigt in allen Bildungsbereichen
zunehmend an. Auch für den Berufseinstieg nutzen Lernende immer
häufiger online verfügbare Medien. Ob sich das Nutzungsverhalten
je nach Beruf unterscheidet und ob es berufsspezifische Unterschiede
gibt, ist bislang nicht erforscht. Hier setzt das Forschungsprojekt
der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz und der Johann Wolfgang
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt an. Die Wissenschaftlerinnen und
Wissenschaftler untersuchen, wie Berufseinsteigende der Medizin
im Praktischen Jahr, Lehramts- sowie Rechtsreferendarinnen und
-referendare online verfügbare Medien nutzen. Hierbei vergleicht
das interdisziplinäre Team die generelle mit der berufsspezifischen
Nutzung von Onlinemedien anhand einer repräsentativen Stichprobe
im Längsschnitt. Mithilfe von innovativen Ansätzen aus der Computerlinguistik
und aus dem Bereich der Learning Analytics werden Online-Trainings
entwickelt und die Lernprozesse der Probanden untersucht. Um die
Daten multiperspektivisch zu interpretieren, wird eng mit der
Praxis zusammengearbeitet. Das Team der Universität Mainz koordiniert
das Verbundprojekt und bringt die wirtschaftspädagogische und
rechtswissenschaftliche Perspektive sowie Expertise zur Kompetenzentwicklung
ein. Die repräsentative und methodenintegrative Studie liefert
wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zum Einfluss und zur digitalen
Förderbarkeit der berufsbezogenen Mediennutzung in der Berufspraxis.
Außerdem sind Ergebnisse zu erwarten, die zur Gestaltung der Verbindung
von formalen und non-formalen Lerngelegenheiten genutzt werden
können. Praxispartner, wie zum Beispiel Ausbildnerinnen und Ausbildner,
können die entwickelten adaptiven Trainingskonzepte praktisch
anwenden und nutzen.},
year = {2020},
until = {2023},
funded_by = {BMBF (01JD1906B)},
funded_by_url = {},
url = {},
logo = {/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/logo-BRIDGE.png}
Specialised Information Service Biodiversity Research (BIOfid).
2017 – .
Funded by DFG (FID 326061700).
The specialised information service BIOfid ( is
oriented towards the special needs of scientists researching biodiversity
topics at research institutions and in natural history collections.
Since 2017, BIOfid has been building an infrastructure that contributes
to the provision and mobilisation of research-relevant data in
a variety of ways in the context of current developments in biodiversity
name = {Specialised Information Service Biodiversity Research (BIOfid)},
abstract = {The specialised information service BIOfid ( is
oriented towards the special needs of scientists researching biodiversity
topics at research institutions and in natural history collections.
Since 2017, BIOfid has been building an infrastructure that contributes
to the provision and mobilisation of research-relevant data in
a variety of ways in the context of current developments in biodiversity
year = {2017},
funded_by = {DFG (FID 326061700)},
funded_by_url = {},
url = {},
repository = {},
logo = {/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/logo-BIOfid.png}