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Towards New Data Spaces for the Study of Multiple Documents with
Va.Si.Li-Lab: A Conceptual Analysis. In: Students', Graduates' and Young Professionals' Critical Use of
Online Information: Digital Performance Assessment and Training
within and across Domains, 259–303.
Springer Nature Switzerland.
author = {Mehler, Alexander and Bagci, Mevl{\"u}t and Schrottenbacher, Patrick
and Henlein, Alexander and Konca, Maxim and Abrami, Giuseppe and B{\"o}nisch, Kevin
and Stoeckel, Manuel and Spiekermann, Christian and Engel, Juliane},
editor = {Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Olga and Nagel, Marie-Theres and Klose, Verena
and Mehler, Alexander},
title = {Towards New Data Spaces for the Study of Multiple Documents with
Va.Si.Li-Lab: A Conceptual Analysis},
booktitle = {Students', Graduates' and Young Professionals' Critical Use of
Online Information: Digital Performance Assessment and Training
within and across Domains},
year = {2024},
publisher = {Springer Nature Switzerland},
address = {Cham},
pages = {259--303},
abstract = {The constitution of multiple documents has so far been studied
essentially as a process in which a single learner consults a
number (of segments) of different documents in the context of
the task at hand in order to construct a mental model for the
purpose of completing the task. As a result of this research focus,
the constitution of multiple documents appears predominantly as
a monomodal, non-interactive process in which mainly textual units
are studied, supplemented by images, text-image relations and
comparable artifacts. This approach is reflected in the contextual
fixity of the research design, in which the learners under study
search for information using suitably equipped computers. If,
on the other hand, we consider the openness of multi-agent learning
situations, this scenario lacks the aspects of interactivity,
contextual openness and, above all, the multimodality of information
objects, information processing and information exchange. This
is where the chapter comes in. It describes Va.Si.Li-Lab as an
instrument for multimodal measurement for studying and modeling
multiple documents in the context of interactive learning in a
multi-agent environment. To this end, the chapter places Va.Si.Li-Lab
in the spectrum of evolutionary approaches that vary the combination
of human and machine innovation and selection. It also combines
the requirements of multimodal representational learning with
various aspects of contextual plasticity to prepare Va.Si.Li-Lab
as a system that can be used for experimental research. The chapter
is conceptual in nature, designing a system of requirements using
the example of Va.Si.Li-Lab to outline an experimental environment
in which the study of Critical Online Reasoning (COR) as a group
process becomes possible. Although the chapter illustrates some
of these requirements with realistic data from the field of simulation-based
learning, the focus is still conceptual rather than experimental,
hypothesis-driven. That is, the chapter is concerned with the
design of a technology for future research into COR processes.},
isbn = {978-3-031-69510-0},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-69510-0_12},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-69510-0_12}
Virtually Restricting Modalities in Interactions: Va.Si.Li-Lab
for Experimental Multimodal Research. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Multimodal Communication
(MMSYM 2024), Frankfurt, 25-27 September 2024, 96–97.
title = {Virtually Restricting Modalities in Interactions: Va.Si.Li-Lab
for Experimental Multimodal Research},
author = {Henlein, Alexander and L{\"u}cking, Andy and Mehler, Alexander},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Multimodal Communication
(MMSYM 2024), Frankfurt, 25-27 September 2024},
pages = {96--97},
year = {2024},
pdf = {http://mmsym.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/BookOfAbstractsMMSYM2024-3.pdf}
The Gesture–Prosody Link in Multimodal Grammar. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Multimodal Communication
(MMSYM 2024), Frankfurt, 25-27 September 2024, 128–129.
title = {The Gesture–Prosody Link in Multimodal Grammar},
author = {L{\"u}cking, Andy and Mehler, Alexander and Henlein, Alexander},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Multimodal Communication
(MMSYM 2024), Frankfurt, 25-27 September 2024},
pages = {128--129},
year = {2024},
pdf = {http://mmsym.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/BookOfAbstractsMMSYM2024-3.pdf}
The Linguistic Interpretation of Non-emblematic Gestures Must
be agreed in Dialogue: Combining Perceptual Classifiers and Grounding/Clarification
Mechanisms. Proceedings of the 28th Workshop on The Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue.
title = {The Linguistic Interpretation of Non-emblematic Gestures Must
be agreed in Dialogue: Combining Perceptual Classifiers and Grounding/Clarification
author = {Lücking, Andy and Mehler, Alexander and Henlein, Alexander},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th Workshop on The Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue},
series = {SemDial'24 -- TrentoLogue},
location = {Università di Trento, Palazzo Piomarta, Rovereto},
url = {https://www.semdial.org/anthology/papers/Z/Z24/Z24-4031/},
pdf = {http://semdial.org/anthology/Z24-Lucking_semdial_0031.pdf}
An Outlook for AI Innovation in Multimodal Communication Research. Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics
and Risk Management., 182–234.
title = {An Outlook for AI Innovation in Multimodal Communication Research},
author = {Henlein, Alexander and Bauer, Anastasia and Bhattacharjee, Reetu
and Ćwiek, Aleksandra and Gregori, Alina and Kügler, Frank and Lemanski, Jens
and Lücking, Andy and Mehler, Alexander and Prieto, Pilar and Sánchez-Ramón, Paula G.
and Schepens, Job and Schulte-Rüther, Martin and Schweinberger, Stefan R.
and von Eiff, Celina I.},
editor = {Duffy, Vincent G.},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics
and Risk Management.},
series = {HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
publisher = {Springer},
address = {Cham},
pages = {182--234},
isbn = {978-3-031-61066-0}
A Roadmap for Technological Innovation in Multimodal Communication Research. Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics
and Risk Management, 402–438.
author = {Gregori, Alina and Amici, Federica and Brilmayer, Ingmar and {\'{C}}wiek, Aleksandra
and Fritzsche, Lennart and Fuchs, Susanne and Henlein, Alexander and Herbort, Oliver
and K{\"u}gler, Frank and Lemanski, Jens and Liebal, Katja and L{\"u}cking, Andy
and Mehler, Alexander and Nguyen, Kim Tien and Pouw, Wim and Prieto, Pilar
and Rohrer, Patrick Louis and S{\'a}nchez-Ram{\'o}n, Paula G. and Schulte-R{\"u}ther, Martin
and Schumacher, Petra B. and Schweinberger, Stefan R. and Struckmeier, Volker
and Trettenbrein, Patrick C. and von Eiff, Celina I.},
editor = {Duffy, Vincent G.},
title = {A Roadmap for Technological Innovation in Multimodal Communication Research},
booktitle = {Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics
and Risk Management},
year = {2023},
publisher = {Springer Nature Switzerland},
address = {Cham},
pages = {402--438},
abstract = {Multimodal communication research focuses on how different means
of signalling coordinate to communicate effectively. This line
of research is traditionally influenced by fields such as cognitive
and neuroscience, human-computer interaction, and linguistics.
With new technologies becoming available in fields such as natural
language processing and computer vision, the field can increasingly
avail itself of new ways of analyzing and understanding multimodal
communication. As a result, there is a general hope that multimodal
research may be at the ``precipice of greatness'' due to technological
advances in computer science and resulting extended empirical
coverage. However, for this to come about there must be sufficient
guidance on key (theoretical) needs of innovation in the field
of multimodal communication. Absent such guidance, the research
focus of computer scientists might increasingly diverge from crucial
issues in multimodal communication. With this paper, we want to
further promote interaction between these fields, which may enormously
benefit both communities. The multimodal research community (represented
here by a consortium of researchers from the Visual Communication
[ViCom] Priority Programme) can engage in the innovation by clearly
stating which technological tools are needed to make progress
in the field of multimodal communication. In this article, we
try to facilitate the establishment of a much needed common ground
on feasible expectations (e.g., in terms of terminology and measures
to be able to train machine learning algorithms) and to critically
reflect possibly idle hopes for technical advances, informed by
recent successes and challenges in computer science, social signal
processing, and related domains.},
isbn = {978-3-031-35748-0},
pdf = {https://pure.mpg.de/rest/items/item_3511464_5/component/file_3520176/content}
Towards grounding multimodal semantics in interaction data with Va.Si.Li-Lab. Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Gesture and Speech in Interaction (GESPIN).
title = {Towards grounding multimodal semantics in interaction data with Va.Si.Li-Lab},
author = {Henlein, Alexander and Lücking, Andy and Bagci, Mevlüt and Mehler, Alexander},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Gesture and Speech in Interaction (GESPIN)},
location = {Nijmegen, Netherlands},
year = {2023},
keywords = {vasililab},
pdf = {https://www.gespin2023.nl/documents/talks_and_posters/GeSpIn_2023_papers/GeSpIn_2023_paper_1692.pdf}
Va.Si.Li-Lab as a Collaborative Multi-User Annotation Tool in
Virtual Reality and Its Potential Fields of Application. Proceedings of the 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media.
author = {Abrami, Giuseppe and Mehler, Alexander and Bagci, Mevl\"{u}t and Schrottenbacher, Patrick
and Henlein, Alexander and Spiekermann, Christian and Engel, Juliane
and Schreiber, Jakob},
title = {Va.Si.Li-Lab as a Collaborative Multi-User Annotation Tool in
Virtual Reality and Its Potential Fields of Application},
year = {2023},
isbn = {9798400702327},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3603163.3609076},
doi = {10.1145/3603163.3609076},
abstract = {During the last thirty years a variety of hypertext approaches
and virtual environments -- some virtual hypertext environments
-- have been developed and discussed. Although the development
of virtual and augmented reality technologies is rapid and improving,
and many technologies can be used at affordable conditions, their
usability for hypertext systems has not yet been explored. At
the same time, even for virtual three-dimensional virtual and
augmented environments, there is no generally accepted concept
that is similar or nearly as elegant as hypertext. This gap will
have to be filled in the next years and a good concept should
be developed; in this article we aim to contribute in this direction
and also introduce a prototype for a possible implementation of
criteria for virtual hypertext simulations.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media},
articleno = {22},
numpages = {9},
keywords = {VaSiLiLab, virtual hypertext, virtual reality, virtual reality simulation, authoring system},
location = {Rome, Italy},
series = {HT '23},
pdf = {https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3603163.3609076}
PhD Thesis: Toward context-based text-to-3D scene generation.
author = {Alexander Henlein},
title = {Toward context-based text-to-3D scene generation},
type = {doctoralthesis},
pages = {199},
school = {Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität},
doi = {10.21248/gups.73448},
year = {2023},
pdf = {https://publikationen.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/files/73448/main.pdf}
Grounding human-object interaction to affordance behavior in multimodal datasets. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 6.
author = {Henlein, Alexander and Gopinath, Anju and Krishnaswamy, Nikhil
and Mehler, Alexander and Pustejovsky, James},
doi = {10.3389/frai.2023.1084740},
issn = {2624-8212},
journal = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence},
title = {Grounding human-object interaction to affordance behavior in multimodal datasets},
url = {https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frai.2023.1084740},
volume = {6},
year = {2023}
Semantic Scene Builder: Towards a Context Sensitive Text-to-3D Scene Framework. Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics
and Risk Management, 461–479.
author = {Henlein, Alexander and Kett, Attila and Baumartz, Daniel and Abrami, Giuseppe
and Mehler, Alexander and Bastian, Johannes and Blecher, Yannic and Budgenhagen, David
and Christof, Roman and Ewald, Tim-Oliver and Fauerbach, Tim and Masny, Patrick
and Mende, Julian and Schn{\"u}re, Paul and Viel, Marc},
editor = {Duffy, Vincent G.},
title = {Semantic Scene Builder: Towards a Context Sensitive Text-to-3D Scene Framework},
booktitle = {Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics
and Risk Management},
year = {2023},
publisher = {Springer Nature Switzerland},
address = {Cham},
pages = {461--479},
abstract = {We introduce Semantic Scene Builder (SeSB), a VR-based text-to-3D
scene framework using SemAF (Semantic Annotation Framework) as
a scheme for annotating discourse structures. SeSB integrates
a variety of tools and resources by using SemAF and UIMA as a
unified data structure to generate 3D scenes from textual descriptions.
Based on VR, SeSB allows its users to change annotations through
body movements instead of symbolic manipulations: from annotations
in texts to corrections in editing steps to adjustments in generated
scenes, all this is done by grabbing and moving objects. We evaluate
SeSB in comparison with a state-of-the-art open source text-to-scene
method (the only one which is publicly available) and find that
our approach not only performs better, but also allows for modeling
a greater variety of scenes.},
isbn = {978-3-031-35748-0},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-35748-0_32}
A Multimodal Data Model for Simulation-Based Learning with Va.Si.Li-Lab. Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics
and Risk Management, 539–565.
abstract = {Simulation-based learning is a method in which learners learn
to master real-life scenarios and tasks from simulated application
contexts. It is particularly suitable for the use of VR technologies,
as these allow immersive experiences of the targeted scenarios.
VR methods are also relevant for studies on online learning, especially
in groups, as they provide access to a variety of multimodal learning
and interaction data. However, VR leads to a trade-off between
technological conditions of the observability of such data and
the openness of learner behavior. We present Va.Si.Li-Lab, a VR-L
ab for Simulation-based Learn ing developed to address this trade-off.
Va.Si.Li-Lab uses a graph-theoretical model based on hypergraphs
to represent the data diversity of multimodal learning and interaction.
We develop this data model in relation to mono- and multimodal,
intra- and interpersonal data and interleave it with ISO-Space
to describe distributed multiple documents from the perspective
of their interactive generation. The paper adds three use cases
to motivate the broad applicability of Va.Si.Li-Lab and its data
address = {Cham},
author = {Mehler, Alexander and Bagci, Mevl{\"u}t and Henlein, Alexander
and Abrami, Giuseppe and Spiekermann, Christian and Schrottenbacher, Patrick
and Konca, Maxim and L{\"u}cking, Andy and Engel, Juliane and Quintino, Marc
and Schreiber, Jakob and Saukel, Kevin and Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Olga},
booktitle = {Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics
and Risk Management},
editor = {Duffy, Vincent G.},
isbn = {978-3-031-35741-1},
pages = {539--565},
publisher = {Springer Nature Switzerland},
title = {A Multimodal Data Model for Simulation-Based Learning with Va.Si.Li-Lab},
year = {2023},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-35741-1_39}
What do Toothbrushes do in the Kitchen? How Transformers Think
our World is Structured. Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter
of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language
Technologies, 5791–5807.
title = {What do Toothbrushes do in the Kitchen? How Transformers Think
our World is Structured},
author = {Henlein, Alexander and Mehler, Alexander},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter
of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language
year = {2022},
address = {Seattle, United States},
publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
url = {https://aclanthology.org/2022.naacl-main.425},
doi = {10.18653/v1/2022.naacl-main.425},
pages = {5791--5807},
abstract = {Transformer-based models are now predominant in NLP.They outperform
approaches based on static models in many respects. This success
has in turn prompted research that reveals a number of biases
in the language models generated by transformers. In this paper
we utilize this research on biases to investigate to what extent
transformer-based language models allow for extracting knowledge
about object relations (X occurs in Y; X consists of Z; action
A involves using X).To this end, we compare contextualized models
with their static counterparts. We make this comparison dependent
on the application of a number of similarity measures and classifiers.
Our results are threefold:Firstly, we show that the models combined
with the different similarity measures differ greatly in terms
of the amount of knowledge they allow for extracting. Secondly,
our results suggest that similarity measures perform much worse
than classifier-based approaches. Thirdly, we show that, surprisingly,
static models perform almost as well as contextualized models
{--} in some cases even better.}
Digital Learning, Teaching and Collaboration in an Era of ubiquitous Quarantine. Remote Learning in Times of Pandemic - Issues, Implications and Best Practice.
author = {Alexander Henlein and Giuseppe Abrami and Attila Kett and Christian Spiekermann
and Alexander Mehler},
title = {Digital Learning, Teaching and Collaboration in an Era of ubiquitous Quarantine},
editor = {Linda Daniela and Anna Visvizin},
booktitle = {Remote Learning in Times of Pandemic - Issues, Implications and Best Practice},
publisher = {Routledge},
address = {Thames, Oxfordshire, England, UK},
year = {2021},
chapter = {3}
June, 2021.
VoxML Annotation Tool Review and Suggestions for Improvement. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable
Semantic Annotation (ISA-17, Note for special track on visual
information annotation).
author = {Klement, Mark and Henlein, Alexander and Mehler, Alexander},
title = {VoxML Annotation Tool Review and Suggestions for Improvement},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventeenth Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable
Semantic Annotation (ISA-17, Note for special track on visual
information annotation)},
series = {ISA-17},
location = {Groningen, Netherlands},
month = {June},
year = {2021},
pdf = {https://sigsem.uvt.nl/isa17/32_Klement-Paper.pdf}
June, 2021.
Unleashing annotations with TextAnnotator: Multimedia, multi-perspective
document views for ubiquitous annotation. Proceedings of the 17th Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable
Semantic Annotation, 65–75.
author = {Abrami, Giuseppe and Henlein, Alexander and Lücking, Andy and Kett, Attila
and Adeberg, Pascal and Mehler, Alexander},
title = {Unleashing annotations with {TextAnnotator}: Multimedia, multi-perspective
document views for ubiquitous annotation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable
Semantic Annotation},
series = {ISA-17},
publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
address = {Groningen, The Netherlands (online)},
month = {June},
editor = {Bunt, Harry},
year = {2021},
url = {https://aclanthology.org/2021.isa-1.7},
pages = {65--75},
keywords = {textannotator},
pdf = {https://iwcs2021.github.io/proceedings/isa/pdf/2021.isa-1.7.pdf},
abstract = {We argue that mainly due to technical innovation in the landscape
of annotation tools, a conceptual change in annotation models
and processes is also on the horizon. It is diagnosed that these
changes are bound up with multi-media and multi-perspective facilities
of annotation tools, in particular when considering virtual reality
(VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications, their potential
ubiquitous use, and the exploitation of externally trained natural
language pre-processing methods. Such developments potentially
lead to a dynamic and exploratory heuristic construction of the
annotation process. With TextAnnotator an annotation suite is
introduced which focuses on multi-mediality and multi-perspectivity
with an interoperable set of task-specific annotation modules
(e.g., for word classification, rhetorical structures, dependency
trees, semantic roles, and more) and their linkage to VR and mobile
implementations. The basic architecture and usage of TextAnnotator
is described and related to the above mentioned shifts in the
Text2SceneVR: Generating Hypertexts with VAnnotatoR as a Pre-processing
Step for Text2Scene Systems. Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 177–186.
author = {Abrami, Giuseppe and Henlein, Alexander and Kett, Attila and Mehler, Alexander},
title = {{Text2SceneVR}: Generating Hypertexts with VAnnotatoR as a Pre-processing
Step for Text2Scene Systems},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media},
series = {HT ’20},
year = {2020},
location = {Virtual Event, USA},
isbn = {9781450370981},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3372923.3404791},
doi = {10.1145/3372923.3404791},
pages = {177–186},
numpages = {10},
pdf = {https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3372923.3404791}
May, 2020.
Voting for POS tagging of Latin texts: Using the flair of FLAIR
to better Ensemble Classifiers by Example of Latin. Proceedings of LT4HALA 2020 - 1st Workshop on Language Technologies
for Historical and Ancient Languages, 130–135.
author = {Stoeckel, Manuel and Henlein, Alexander and Hemati, Wahed and Mehler, Alexander},
title = {{Voting for POS tagging of Latin texts: Using the flair of FLAIR
to better Ensemble Classifiers by Example of Latin}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of LT4HALA 2020 - 1st Workshop on Language Technologies
for Historical and Ancient Languages},
month = {May},
year = {2020},
address = {Marseille, France},
publisher = {European Language Resources Association (ELRA)},
pages = {130--135},
abstract = {Despite the great importance of the Latin language in the past,
there are relatively few resources available today to develop
modern NLP tools for this language. Therefore, the EvaLatin Shared
Task for Lemmatization and Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging was published
in the LT4HALA workshop. In our work, we dealt with the second
EvaLatin task, that is, POS tagging. Since most of the available
Latin word embeddings were trained on either few or inaccurate
data, we trained several embeddings on better data in the first
step. Based on these embeddings, we trained several state-of-the-art
taggers and used them as input for an ensemble classifier called
LSTMVoter. We were able to achieve the best results for both the
cross-genre and the cross-time task (90.64\% and 87.00\%) without
using additional annotated data (closed modality). In the meantime,
we further improved the system and achieved even better results
(96.91\% on classical, 90.87\% on cross-genre and 87.35\% on cross-time).},
url = {https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.lt4hala-1.21},
pdf = {http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2020/workshops/LT4HALA/pdf/2020.lt4hala-1.21.pdf}
The Frankfurt Latin Lexicon. From Morphological Expansion and
Word Embeddings to SemioGraphs. Studi e Saggi Linguistici, 58(1):121–155.
author = {Mehler, Alexander and Jussen, Bernhard and Geelhaar, Tim and Henlein, Alexander
and Abrami, Giuseppe and Baumartz, Daniel and Uslu, Tolga and Hemati, Wahed},
title = {{The Frankfurt Latin Lexicon. From Morphological Expansion and
Word Embeddings to SemioGraphs}},
journal = {Studi e Saggi Linguistici},
doi = {10.4454/ssl.v58i1.276},
year = {2020},
volume = {58},
number = {1},
pages = {121--155},
abstract = {In this article we present the Frankfurt Latin Lexicon (FLL),
a lexical resource for Medieval Latin that is used both for the
lemmatization of Latin texts and for the post-editing of lemmatizations.
We describe recent advances in the development of lemmatizers
and test them against the Capitularies corpus (comprising Frankish
royal edicts, mid-6th to mid-9th century), a corpus created as
a reference for processing Medieval Latin. We also consider the
post-correction of lemmatizations using a limited crowdsourcing
process aimed at continuous review and updating of the FLL. Starting
from the texts resulting from this lemmatization process, we describe
the extension of the FLL by means of word embeddings, whose interactive
traversing by means of SemioGraphs completes the digital enhanced
hermeneutic circle. In this way, the article argues for a more
comprehensive understanding of lemmatization, encompassing classical
machine learning as well as intellectual post-corrections and,
in particular, human computation in the form of interpretation
processes based on graph representations of the underlying lexical
url = {https://www.studiesaggilinguistici.it/index.php/ssl/article/view/276},
pdf = {https://www.studiesaggilinguistici.it/index.php/ssl/article/download/276/219}
May, 2020.
Transfer of ISOSpace into a 3D Environment for Annotations and Applications. Proceedings of the 16th Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable
Semantic Annotation, 32–35.
author = {Henlein, Alexander and Abrami, Giuseppe and Kett, Attila and Mehler, Alexander},
title = {Transfer of ISOSpace into a 3D Environment for Annotations and Applications},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable
Semantic Annotation},
month = {May},
year = {2020},
address = {Marseille},
publisher = {European Language Resources Association},
pages = {32--35},
abstract = {People's visual perception is very pronounced and therefore it
is usually no problem for them to describe the space around them
in words. Conversely, people also have no problems imagining a
concept of a described space. In recent years many efforts have
been made to develop a linguistic concept for spatial and spatial-temporal
relations. However, the systems have not really caught on so far,
which in our opinion is due to the complex models on which they
are based and the lack of available training data and automated
taggers. In this paper we describe a project to support spatial
annotation, which could facilitate annotation by its many functions,
but also enrich it with many more information. This is to be achieved
by an extension by means of a VR environment, with which spatial
relations can be better visualized and connected with real objects.
And we want to use the available data to develop a new state-of-the-art
tagger and thus lay the foundation for future systems such as
improved text understanding for Text2Scene.},
url = {https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.isa-1.4},
pdf = {http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2020/workshops/ISA16/pdf/2020.isa-1.4.pdf}
May, 2020.
On the Influence of Coreference Resolution on Word Embeddings
in Lexical-semantic Evaluation Tasks. Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 27–33.
author = {Henlein, Alexander and Mehler, Alexander},
title = {{On the Influence of Coreference Resolution on Word Embeddings
in Lexical-semantic Evaluation Tasks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference},
month = {May},
year = {2020},
address = {Marseille, France},
publisher = {European Language Resources Association},
pages = {27--33},
abstract = {Coreference resolution (CR) aims to find all spans of a text that
refer to the same entity. The F1-Scores on these task have been
greatly improved by new developed End2End-approaches and transformer
networks. The inclusion of CR as a pre-processing step is expected
to lead to improvements in downstream tasks. The paper examines
this effect with respect to word embeddings. That is, we analyze
the effects of CR on six different embedding methods and evaluate
them in the context of seven lexical-semantic evaluation tasks
and instantiation/hypernymy detection. Especially in the last
tasks we hoped for a significant increase in performance. We show
that all word embedding approaches do not benefit significantly
from pronoun substitution. The measurable improvements are only
marginal (around 0.5\% in most test cases). We explain this result
with the loss of contextual information, reduction of the relative
occurrence of rare words and the lack of pronouns to be replaced.},
url = {https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.lrec-1.4},
pdf = {http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2020/pdf/2020.lrec-1.4.pdf}
A practitioner's view: a survey and comparison of lemmatization
and morphological tagging in German and Latin. Journal of Language Modeling.
author = {Gleim, R\"{u}diger and Eger, Steffen and Mehler, Alexander and Uslu, Tolga
and Hemati, Wahed and L\"{u}cking, Andy and Henlein, Alexander and Kahlsdorf, Sven
and Hoenen, Armin},
title = {A practitioner's view: a survey and comparison of lemmatization
and morphological tagging in German and Latin},
journal = {Journal of Language Modeling},
year = {2019},
pdf = {https://www.texttechnologylab.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/jlm-tagging.pdf},
doi = {10.15398/jlm.v7i1.205},
url = {http://jlm.ipipan.waw.pl/index.php/JLM/article/view/205}
Automatic Classification in Memory Clinic Patients and in Depressive Patients. Proceedings of Resources and ProcessIng of linguistic, para-linguistic
and extra-linguistic Data from people with various forms of cognitive/psychiatric
impairments (RaPID-2).
author = {Tolga Uslu and Lisa Miebach and Steffen Wolfsgruber and Michael Wagner
and Klaus Fließbach and Rüdiger Gleim and Wahed Hemati and Alexander Henlein
and Alexander Mehler},
title = {{Automatic Classification in Memory Clinic Patients and in Depressive Patients}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Resources and ProcessIng of linguistic, para-linguistic
and extra-linguistic Data from people with various forms of cognitive/psychiatric
impairments (RaPID-2)},
series = {RaPID},
location = {Miyazaki, Japan},
year = {2018}
fastSense: An Efficient Word Sense Disambiguation Classifier. Proceedings of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and
Evaluation Conference, May 7 - 12.
author = {Tolga Uslu and Alexander Mehler and Daniel Baumartz and Alexander Henlein
and Wahed Hemati},
title = {fastSense: An Efficient Word Sense Disambiguation Classifier},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and
Evaluation Conference, May 7 - 12},
series = {LREC 2018},
address = {Miyazaki, Japan},
pdf = {https://www.texttechnologylab.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/fastSense.pdf},
year = {2018}