New Publication accepted at Digital Humanities 2024

The following publication has been accepted at the Digital Humanities in Washington, D.C.

Efficient, uniform and scalable parallel NLP pre-processing with DUUI: Perspectives and Best Practice for the Digital Humanities

Giuseppe Abrami and Alexander Mehler. August, 2024. Efficient, uniform and scalable parallel NLP pre-processing with DUUI: Perspectives and Best Practice for the Digital Humanities. Digital Humanities Conference 2024 - Book of Abstracts (DH 2024), 15–18.
  author    = {Abrami, Giuseppe and Mehler, Alexander},
  title     = {Efficient, uniform and scalable parallel NLP pre-processing with
               DUUI: Perspectives and Best Practice for the Digital Humanities},
  year      = {2024},
  month     = {08},
  editor    = {Karajgikar, Jajwalya and Janco, Andrew and Otis, Jessica},
  booktitle = {Digital Humanities Conference 2024 - Book of Abstracts (DH 2024)},
  location  = {Washington, DC, USA},
  series    = {DH},
  keywords  = {duui},
  publisher = {Zenodo},
  doi       = {10.5281/zenodo.13761079},
  poster    = {},
  pdf       = {},
  url       = {},
  pages     = {15--18},
  numpages  = {4}