New publication accepted at DHd 2025
The following publication was accepted at the DHd 2025 in Bielefeld, Germany (03. – 07.03.2025). DUUI: A Toolbox for the Construction of a new Kind of Natural Language Processing
The following publication was accepted at the DHd 2025 in Bielefeld, Germany (03. – 07.03.2025). DUUI: A Toolbox for the Construction of a new Kind of Natural Language Processing
The following publications have been published in the special issue New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia: Viki LibraRy: Collaborative Hypertext Browsing and Navigation in Virtual Reality Geo-spatial Hypertext in Virtual Reality: Mapping and Navigating Global News Event Spaces
The following publications have been accepted at the Hypertext in Poznan, Poland. Measuring Group Creativity of Dialogic Interaction Systems by Means of Remote Entailment Analysis Towards dynamic event handling, environment modification and user feedback in VR-Simulations with the help of…
The following publication has been accepted at the Digital Humanities in Washington, D.C. Efficient, uniform and scalable parallel NLP pre-processing with DUUI: Perspectives and Best Practice for the Digital Humanities
The following publications were accepted at the LREC-COLING 2024 in Turin / Italy: Dependencies over Times and Tools (DoTT) German SRL: Corpus Construction and Model Training German Parliamentary Corpus (GerParCor) Reloaded